Sunday, July 29, 2018

Most Quotable Movies #8: Goodfellas

I know that purists insist that either of the first two Godfather films is the greatest gangster movie of all time, but for my money, that distinction goes to Martin Scorsese's masterpiece of criminality, Goodfellas. Stellar performances from Ray Liotta, Robert DeNiro, and Joe Pesci make this film eminently rewatchable and infinitely quotable.

The first thirty minutes of this movie comprise the most dynamic opening to any movie I've ever seen. The three-minute continuous tracking shot of Henry and Karen arriving at the Copacabana for a date is by itself a master class in filmmaking. Thanks to a script by Nicholas Pileggi, this movie will keep you quoting the most memorable lines for years to come, especially from this brilliant scene:

Ten Most Quotable Lines:
"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster."
"One day some of the kids from the neighborhood carried my mother's groceries all the way home. You know why? It was outta respect."
"Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut."
"Whenever we needed money, we'd rob the airport. To us, it was better than Citibank."
"If we wanted something, we just took it. If anyone complained twice they got hit so bad, believe me, they never complained again."
"I’m funny how?  Funny, like, I’m a clown?  I amuse you?"
"Oh, all right..."
"Pay me my money!"
"Thirty-two hundred dollars he gave me. Thirty-two hundred dollars for a lifetime. It wasn't even enough to pay for the coffin."
"I'm an average nobody... get to live the rest of my life like a schnook."

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