Saturday, July 14, 2018

Most Hated Songs #7: "More Than A Feeling" by Boston

We continue our descent into madness that is Rock and Roll Hell with my #7 most hated song, "More Than a Feeling" by Boston. I don't even want to post this because I know that every south St. Louis hoosier with a mullet and an eight-track player in his Camaro is going to be out for blood, but at this point, I'm in too deep to back away now.

Boston is one of those bands where I have to recognize the technical virtuosity of the musicianship but still say, "I just can't stand to listen to it." All their songs sound exactly the same to me, so this one is just a placeholder for all their stuff. And it's worthy as representative because it is the foundational mainstay of every classic rock station in America.

I would bet cash money that this song gets played every day on every classic rock station in existence. I know I hear it practically every time I switch stations on the radio. It's all so familiar—the guitar licks, the ultra-high chorus, the guitar solo. It's also a staple of every teenage movie set in the 1970s...its inclusion is an inevitability, and it almost ruins the movie for me every time I hear it.

I'll give the devil his's objectively a good song by musicians who know what they're doing. Subjectively, I freaking hate this song and never want to hear it played again. I already know that no one else in Blog Club or Facebook will agree with this assessment, so...FLAME ON! This time, I probably deserve it.

I'd rather...incur the wrath of friends and Facebook readers in the form of 1,000 years of angry posts telling me what an idiot I am than have to endure listening to this song ever again.

Dante's Inferno Level Seven: Everyone involved in this song lives for eternity as freshman in a new high school in 1976. Plaid bell bottoms and a brown shirt with a butterfly collar are all they own to wear. And their mom drops them off in front of the school in her station wagon every day.

Listen instead to: the song that inspired one of the greatest SNL skits of all time, "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult. (I've got a fever...and the only cure is...MORE COWBELL!)

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