Saturday, July 7, 2018

Most Hated Songs #14: "Believe" by Cher

Continuing with the category Weasel Goes the Pop, we encounter my Most Hated Song #14, "Believe" by Cher. Now, I have nothing against Cher. I loved her back in the seventies with then-husband Sonny Bono on the "Sonny and Cher" variety show. "Moonstruck" is still one of my favorite romantic comedies, and her work as an actress is admirable. She's an icon in the LGBTQ community and one of their most outspoken supporters.

Having said all that, this song is excrement and does a great disservice to her career. The most depressing feature of the song is how badly they auto-tune her voice, to the point that the song sounds like they programmed a computer with phonetic samples of Cher's voice and output them on a voice synthesizer. Cher can sing just fine; she doesn't need auto-tune.

Next is the stupid, repetitive disco beat, which should have been killed off like a vampire in 1982 but keeps coming back again and again like that unwanted friend from high school who keeps sending you Facebook friend requests. I do the same thing with this song that I do with the FB pest...I delete it. You should too.

I'd rather...audition on live TV for "Dancing With the Stars" with Rosanne Barr as my partner than listen to this song ever again.

Dante's Inferno Level Three: Everyone responsible for darkening Cher's reputation with this stinker should spend eternity cleaning the dance floor of Studio 54 circa 1978 with their tongues.

Listen instead to: Anything from the seventies is preferable, but "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves" has always been one of my favorites.

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