Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Most Hated Songs #10: "Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone" by Glass Tiger

The hate increases exponentially as we breach the top ten. We also start a new category, Rock and Roll Hell, where the songs are staples of the worst radio format ever invented, "Classic Rock." It's not that I hate rock music; nothing could be further from the truth. But I absolutely despise classic rock format stations because they play the same songs from the same 10-12 bands.

Batting lead-off for my top ten is my #10 most-hated song, "Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone" by Glass Tiger. I know that Nickleback gets most of the derision among Canadian rock bands, but where is the hate for these eighties-era schlockmeisters? This song is beyond terrible, and I've hated it since the first time I heard it.

It's a mid-tempo rocker with a horn section that makes everything worse. The lyrics are insipid, which pairs well with the lead singer's whiny voice. I'm still not sure why this song didn't start a trade war with Canada to prevent imports like these from slipping across our northern border. This song always makes me want to puke, and when it comes on (and it always's in permanent rotation on the radio), I can't change the station fast enough.

I'd rather...gather moose manure from a Canadian forest in the dead of winter than ever listen to this song again.

Dante's Inferno Level Five: Being mauled by a real tiger.

Listen instead to: the only Canadian rock band that matters...Rush!

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