Monday, July 2, 2018

Most Hated Songs #19: "Bad to the Bone" by George Thorogood

Coming in at #19 of my most hated songs (in the category Overplayed to Death) is "Bad the the Bone" by George Thorogood. This is one of those songs that you recognize immediately by its iconic introduction. I like that. It gives me time to change the radio station before the song really gets into high gear. I could have included any of his songs on my list because I'm really not a fan of the blues at all (sue me), and I hate all of Thorogood's songs, but this is the one that's used in about 1,000 different movies to indicate that something is either "Bad to the Bone" or ironically not "bad" at all, but we're supposed to laugh at the juxtaposition between this awful song and some nerdy guy. Whatever. Even thinking about this song irritates me.

I'd rather...have to sweep and mop every club on Beale St. the day after Memphis in May concludes than to listen to this song ever again.

Dante's Inferno Level—Limbo: An eternity spent in a dentist's chair waiting for a root canal for an abcessed tooth.

Listen instead to: "Elvis is Everywhere" by Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper

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