Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Twelve Songs of Christmas: Honorable Mentions

Because it's the Christmas season, we here at Blog Club would like to commemorate the festivities with our take on the classic carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" by posting, over the next twelve days, our twelve favorite Christmas songs. Like most of the things we do, we had a conversation about the boundaries and parameters of what this would entail. Upon conclusion, I'm guessing that we're all going to do our own thing (go figure!). Anyone who's read our previous efforts in movies and music could have guessed that already.

So how am I approaching it? For me, it's the twelve essential Christmas songs that I love to listen to repeatedly during the holidays. These are the ones I don't get tired of. In some cases, it will be a particular version by an individual artist that makes it special, and in some other cases, the song itself is a beloved favorite, and multiple interpretations just make it better. Most of my songs are secular; my comrades may or may not have more traditional church carols included.

As always, these are personal and subjective choices, and even if you hate the song or the version that I chose, remember two things: 1) You are free, invited, and encouraged to create your own blog, join the Blog Club (easiest membership ever...just post something!), and post your own favorites, making sure in your own prose to point out my numerous errors of taste; 2) Remember that some people like Hawaiian pizza—there's just no accounting for tastes, and besides, that's what makes the world go 'round. (And gravity, or something, I think...you know, science...)

We're running the official twelve beginning tomorrow, which will unveil our top choices on Sunday, December 23, wrapping things up right on time before Christmas Eve. After all, even if we wanted to write, you're going to be too busy to read. But before my #12 pick tomorrow, here are the five Honorable Mention songs that I also love...just not enough to put them ahead of the others.

#13—"Winter Wonderland"
I walk around during the month of December singing this as much as any other Christmas song. My favorite rendition comes from Eurythmics and the incomparable voice of Annie Lennox.

#14—"Let It Snow"
Fun to sing along at any time, this Christmas classic also plays during the closing credits of one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time...Die Hard.

#15—"I'll Be Home for Christmas"
I've acted in a Christmas play of the same name twice, and this song always brings back fond memories. It's also one of the best sentiments of the season...being at home surrounded by family and friends is one of the best things about the holiday season. I'm including Frank Sinatra's version, which is smoother than the scotch he was drinking during the recording session.

#16—"Grown-Up Christmas List"
One of the best "new" Christmas songs of the past 20 years, this sentiment is sorely needed in our selfish, materialistic culture today. Amy Grant's voice is as comforting as a warm pair of slippers in front of a fireplace.

Bonus Track—"Carol of the Bells"
Family Guy has totally ruined this song for me, but especially for my wife, since this is the version I sing out loud to her anytime any other version of this song is played:

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