Thursday, December 20, 2018

Twelve Songs of Christmas: #4—"Christmas Baby Please Come Home" by U2

I didn't even have this song on my list when I first began to compile it. Then I did a few internet searches to make sure my porous memory didn't leave out a favorite. (As it turns out, many of the songs my Blog Club colleague Jeff South has posted could have made my own list.) This one was listed under its original version by the inimitable Darlene Love, a worthy version in its own right.

But when it comes to U2, I'm an unabashed fan of just about everything they've ever done. I will argue until I'm blue in the face that they absolutely deserve to be in the top five greatest rock groups of all time (but that's an argument for another day, another time...), and their version of this song gives me chills every time I hear it.

Bono's voice is the perfect blend of plaintive and hopeful for the lyrics of the song, wishing for his lost love to return, the most unlikely yet wonderful gift the singer could receive. Maybe it's my own journey this year, reconciling with my wife after one unhappy Christmas apart, that makes this song resonate so strongly with me this time around.

Regardless, U2 is always a treasure for me, and this song is always on heavy rotation this time of year. It's also the fourth and final selection from the 1987 album A Very Special Christmas, which would easily top my list of favorite Christmas albums, should such a list ever come up.

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