Thursday, December 13, 2018

Twelve Songs of Christmas: #11—"Feliz Navidad" by Jose Feliciano

Since I was little, as far back into the 1970s as I can remember, this song has made me happy. Even before I was old enough to understand that "Feliz Navidad" was Spanish for "Merry Christmas," this classic tune has always made me smile.

There's something exotic about hit songs in other languages. Some of the most notable were sung in German (go figure), such as "99 Luftballoons," "Rock Me Amadeus," and "Der Kommissar." I mention those three because their English-translated versions are just awful. It really loses everything cool about the song in translation.

Jose Feliciano, however, bridges the transition between Spanish and English perfectly, blending the two languages together in a singular message of peace and prosperity at Christmas time. This message is sorely needed in today's world. In a time when we pray for peace on earth, maybe we could start by not being such giant assholes toward our southern neighbors. It's not much, I know, but at least it's a start.

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