Sunday, January 25, 2015

You have 150 words—take a risk
Essay #7 of 27

Despite all that philosophy has accomplished to discover regarding the nature of reality and the true meaning and purpose of life, I’m going to risk ridicule by claiming that I’ve discovered what it’s really all about. It’s nothing new, nothing ground-breaking, nothing anyone else has never heard before, but amidst all the noise, somehow we missed the whole point.

So here it is, definitively, once and for all—The Purpose of Life:

a) Overcome Fear
b) Get Smarter
c) Love

That’s it. That’s our purpose. So what is The Meaning of Life? Equally simple:

Jesus Christ.

Only by trusting Jesus can we overcome the fear of this sinful, temporary existence. Only by understanding the logos by which meaning itself was created can we be granted the knowledge that leads to true wisdom. And since God is love, by loving Jesus, we experience true love that transcends both life and death.

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