Monday, January 5, 2015

How Do You Feel About Wednesday?
Essay #1 of 27.

Wednesday. Hump day. Trash day. Church night. How do I feel about Wednesday? Wednesday is in the middle. It's hard to get excited about the middle. We hear about middle child syndrome, like there's something inherently wrong about having both an older and a younger sibling. I've got six kids, and they're all both wonderful and ridiculously idiosyncratic at the same time, and all in completely different ways. Everyone except the oldest and the youngest is in the middle. Blame biology. Blame fate. Just don't blame your mother—she's the best.

How do I feel about Wednesday? It's unsexy. Sunday is the Lord's Day, a day of rest, a day filled with football, family dinners, afternoons in the park. Monday is manic, filled with promise and expectation, inspiration of songs of derision and praise. Tuesday's the day to go shopping when all the stores are practically empty, the energy of the weekend sapped and Monday's desperation already passed.

Thursday's almost the weekend. Thursday is comedy night. Thursday's the day before Friday, and Thank God It's Friday. Friday is the day it all ends for a couple of glorious days off. Friday is filled with possibilities. Saturday is for sleeping late, for playing games inside and out, for finally getting the yard mowed so fine it looks like the 15th fairway.

Wednesday is the middle.

Everything happens in the middle. Life takes place in the middle. The middle is where all the exciting, glorious, frustrating, infuriating, hopeful, joyful events of life happen in between "Once upon a time" and "They all lived happily ever after." Wednesday is not just the middle, it's the center. It's the point of moderation, the Golden Mean, the happy medium, the "just right" between "too hot/too hard" and "too cold/too soft."

How do I feel about Wednesday? The same way I feel about being middle-aged—it's where everything happens.

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