Monday, February 4, 2019

Ten Great Movies to Watch with Your Valentine

I have a long history of ambiguity when it comes to Valentine's Day. My dating history looks a lot like a garden grown in the Mojave Desert; I went through my entire undergraduate career in college without even one date. Killer GPA notwithstanding, in those years, I chose to affect the Johnny Cash look each year on February 14. Solitude was my valentine.

But time has a way of changing the most hopeless of outlooks, and a maturity brought about by sobriety led me to meet my wife and start a family, and the years were filled with many happy Valentine's Days. A couple that stand out: Amy preparing dinner and having one of my favorite romantic movies cued up on the VCR (yes, it was many years back); the year I took Amy on a driving/selfie tour through all the "firsts" from our relationship (first meeting, first dance, first date, etc.).

This year's Valentine's Day is particularly special, as it is one of the many "first since" holidays that Amy and I will share since our remarriage last October. I haven't finalized plans just yet, but it's a sure bet that I'm not dressing like an undertaker this time around.

In recognition of that, and keeping in line with my blog theme of entertainment, I'm going to share my picks for Ten Great Movies to Watch with Your Valentine. They are in no particular order of quality, and like everything else we discuss here at Enter Sandman, these reflect my own preferences and not necessarily your own.

I have many more that won't fit on a list of ten, and I've even discussed some of them in the past, but this time, the focus will be on movies both parties of a couple can enjoy. It might even give some of you some inspiration for your own plans. The countdown starts tomorrow...hope you enjoy it, but if you don't—get your own blog!

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